5 Simple Ways To Build A Rewarding Nighttime Routine

Take care of yourself each night!

nighttime routine

Self-care is something that people in all stages of life severely overlook. Whether you are a college student cramming for exams or a full-time worker who doesn't arrive home until late, almost everyone would agree that they need more "me" time.  Self-care is so important for our mental and physical health. Arguably, knowing what to do with the limited free time you may have at the end of every evening before bed is even more important. 

It can be very easy to continue to think about school or work and never actually decompress. It would be best to give your brain time to detach from your everyday work life and allow for some personal care time. This post will cover five cheap steps to make the most of your self-care time each evening. Doing these simple and even free tasks can help you feel more at ease going to bed, thus setting you up for success the following morning.

Disclaimer: I share tips and experiences from my personal life/practices. I am not a medical professional and only provide insight into the self-care routines that work for me. Every person is different, so please do what works best for you! 

Skincare routine

One of the easiest and most refreshing ways to take care of yourself is to take care of your skin! You're busy all day, potentially sweating, producing oil on your skin, or simply accumulating dust, pollen, and other contaminants on your skin. These aren't things you want to go to sleep with and smear all over your pillow!

Hello, World!

I make it a habit to cleanse my face before or after I shower. Once I'm done rinsing my face, I treat myself to some nice moisturizers, oils, and serums that address my specific skincare needs. Although not sponsored (yet!), some of my favorite brands for skincare include:

  • Katari Beauty

  • Glow Recipe

  • Fenty

Simple skincare steps like washing your face can take as little as 5 minutes. If you want to take longer and treat yourself, you can even throw a face mask or chemical peel! (Be sure to read directions before applying any skincare items). 


Another super easy (and one of my favorite) self-care tips is to journal! Your journal (digital or physical) is your sanctuary for all your emotions, thoughts, burdens, ideas, comments - and anything else you want to put in it. It doesn't have to be flawless or pretty. It's your journal, so it can look however you want. 

There are no limits to what you can write, draw, express, or sketch in your journal. I like to take 10-15 minutes each night to sit down and write about some of the following prompts. These are just suggestions, but they get me writing and thinking about my day.

What happened during my day - good and bad?

What made me happy?

What made me upset/sad?

How are the people I interacted with doing??

What are the things I want to accomplish?

What was one thing I was proud I accomplished today?

What was one thing I wish I had done differently?

Writing out your thoughts and feelings is important, especially if you don't have someone to talk to about things. It lets you free your mind of any burdens or annoyances and express them healthily (rather than sitting in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about them at 1 am - I've been there). Spare yourself the stress of self-reflecting when trying to sleep, and clear your mind before your head hits the pillow! 

bedtime routine

Plan out tomorrow

This one ties into journaling, but I like to spend 10 minutes updating my planner or creating a to-do list before hopping into bed. I have found that when I brain-dump and organize the things I need to accomplish the next day before crawling into bed, I don't waste as much time lying under my blankets thinking about them. Rather, I feel more relieved and can fall asleep easier knowing I have a decent game plan for the next day.

Wait to start working on the items when you make this to-do list. This is solely your time to plan what needs to happen and when so your brain can properly rest when you sleep to be ready to complete said things. 


I recently started using the Headspace app more frequently, as I am prone to panic attacks, and found that the exercises and sessions they have are extremely beneficial for winding down. My boyfriend did one with me for the first time for 11 minutes and shockingly said, "That was very nice." 

Hello, World!

Find a meditation app, website, or YouTube channel that works for you. You don't have to pay for meditation tracks if you don't want to, and there are tons of great free resources or even playlists if you prepare to avoid paying for meditation playlist memberships.

Avoid devices for the last 30 minutes before bed.

I know that in a technology-based world with tiny devices that fit in our hands and can easily scroll for hours on end, it can be extremely addicting and hard to detach from when it is time to sleep. I cannot count the times I intended to sleep at 9 pm and look up from my phone after being on Instagram, TikTok, or Pinterest 4 hours later with half-awake eyes. 

Do yourself a favor and avoid using devices at least 30 minutes before bed. Set aside time before (or as a part of the early section of your nighttime routine) to check social media or be on your devices if it helps you unwind after work and classes. 

This list of quick, cheap, and simple self-care ideas will help you renovate your downtime at the end of every day. Remember, you can only put your best effort forward if you invest time in yourself! 


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